Harnessing light propagation inside ultrathin fibers to unravel the next endomicroscopes generation

Modendo develops ultrathin endomicroscopes that provide high-resolution optical imaging and photo-stimulation in currently inaccessible regions of the body. Modendo’s disruptive technology, developed by experts in the optics and neuroscience community, offers a new class of fundamentally less invasive optical imaging probes.

1μm fluorescent beads embeded in agar gel imaged with Modendo’s endomicroscope

In-vivo recording with Modendo’s endomicroscope

Upcoming Events

Modendo is excited to participate in the SPIE Startup Challenge final at Photonics West 2025! Come to see Omer Tzang pitching to win the grand prize at the Expo Stage floor on January 28th at 2:30pm

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